Arsha Vidya Bala Gurukuluam (AVBG) is a virtual learning home for young children and teenagers, as an extension of Arsha Vidya Gurukulam (AVG).
While parents who grew up in India imbibed values and culture, our young generation, growing up in the USA have a lot of questions, and require education and explanations to understand the nature and value of our heritage. A solid foundation of Vedic heritage will help our children to develop a well-grounded self-esteem and be successful in every way.
As Pujya Swamiji said, in the Introduction to Vedic Heritage book: “Dear children, Vedic Heritage is a mine of information and insights about the culture, religion, and spiritual wisdom of Vedic India and its people. While learning all about Vedic heritage, you will also learn the beauty of intelligent living and growing to become a successful person in life.”
Children will be taught not just values, but an understanding of the ‘value of values’ that equips them to freely choose and assimilate the values, not just follow them. They will also be taught rituals and their significance, principles of karma and dharma, prayers, Sanskrit slokas and much more. Teenagers will be taught how to handle peer pressure, develop self-confidence, and know their identity, all of which is based on the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita.
Four concurrent classes will be held every Sunday except on holidays:
All teachers are volunteers who have many years of experience in conducting Vedic Heritage classes. Children learn by observing their parents. Please ensure regular attendance.
Please watch Pujya Swamiji’s Spiritual Heritage of India. This 52-lecture series is Valuable to everyone.
Spiritual Heritage of India
(Click on the Icon to Watch)